“It’s not about love” by Debo Luwaji

Love is so wrong
How can it be right?
If it seems so real ‘n promising
In one instance,
Only to turn full circle the next.





Love is tempestuous
Strong, yet enslaving.
Overwhelming most time
suffocating even.

Hardly leaving you the space to breathe,
Or think rationally.
You feel giddy giddy,
Like a baby with her favourite toy on a bright lovely day.
Yet it harbours emotions that could turn full circle.

It turns joy into hurt,
Jealous and destructive.
High hopes dashed with the slightest
Semblance of disappointment.

If ever there are co-travellers
Love and heartaches are!

Friendship is not like it.
Gentle but enduring,
Ever faithful ever true
Temperate, simple but as firm as an anchored ship.

Take this unsolicited counsel from a grand dad
If you haven’t said ‘yes, I do’
Make sure your choice is a friend
And not necessarily one whose love is seemly most profound.

I should know the difference,
I uttered those words a few years ago
And in that friendship we discovered love, bliss, and true companionship .

Neither the dance nor the laughter has dwindled in those few years.
Looks like yesterday really
But it’s 30 blessed years this May.


Poem written by Mr Debo Luwaji to his lovely wife on their 30th year suprise wedding  anniversary celebration organized by him. After 30 years he sure does know how to make a woman feel loved ..She was beyond wowed !

Thanks mum and dad Luwaji for being an epitome of a good marraige

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